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Maximize the Benefits of Your Giving with Your IRA

Judy Nicholson“Giving back to Bates has always been important for me. Bates had a huge impact on my life, and I want the college to continue to provide a high quality education and ever-increasing opportunities to current and future students. My financial advisor and I were working to make the most of my IRA required minimum distribution, and the tax advantages of a direct donation to Bates made the most sense.” — Judy Nicholson ’67 maximized the impact of her Bates Campaign giving through an IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution. By designating her IRA gift to an endowed unrestricted fund, she has provided Bates with flexible resources, in perpetuity, for its most pressing needs.

When you make a gift to Bates through an IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD), you can direct your giving to the things that mean the most to you — everything from financial aid and funded student research opportunities to facilities that support the arts and athletics. Giving through a QCD is a great way to reduce your tax liability and make an immediate impact on the lives of Bates students.

Also known as an IRA Charitable Rollover, a QCD allows anyone 70 ½ or older to make up to $108,000 in charitable contributions directly from an IRA custodian. The contribution counts toward the required minimum distribution, but the distribution isn’t counted as taxable income.

To learn more, please contact us at 800-762-3145 or giftplanning@bates.edu. We look forward to working with you on a plan that benefits you and Bates students.